Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Night Terrors

1. You got caught in the 70's, like the end of them... haha. I drove past Matthew McConaghey's house and threw M-60's at it with my best bud because he moved to Tarrytown HAHAHAHAHAHA. I want to know if that was the night he got caught naked with a bong. That would be cool. I moved to Allendale for you after all... because I thought you made the whole movie, not to seem obsessive and I am sorry you haven't gotten much work since. You're pretty nonchalant. I was after weed like Gunnar, though I heard he got far worse than me in law school of all places and I am not acting like Stefan saying all lawyers just stay up all night on meth just to study their cases and make notes like I do. I'm coocoo. There was this kid who stalked me and got the faggots to whisper about how I hear voices at Hendrix and I've cracked it, just because he is SENSUOUS and says coocookaroo after reading a piece of erotica that isn't literature for shit without the same feeding the chickens curse I put on his lips that sunrise, doesn't mean I am a gay wad. He cursed my mom. She's dead. I say we make a movie with Linklater about it. I'll write for his whole interludes. There was a good one right there. Its a start, and I don't know about you but I am hispanic not chicano... not like it matters, to anyone but a gaywad Lithuanian from Colorado.

Waking Life, Night Terrors

Hey bud, THAT raspberry lemonade those kids sold you with invega boiled into it was made from fresh squeezed laundry

2. Night terrors are like this... thinking your parents are fucking and that one of them is your half brother, being awakened by the full moon at camp when her name is Wulff after all and acting like her brother when he was found in his undies in the front lawn of his house in Highland Park or somewhere around there regardless of whether I was asking for gum or feeding the chickens, being coked up at college and obsessed with elves and Balrogs frivolously trying to obsess the crowd with my panache, then getting too afraid to sleep on medication after someone told me succubi prey on monks who only needed to say they were of some odd faith to be messed around with in his own private bedroom wherever, its still as weird to this day. I had a dream about college the other night and I am convinced that it has something to do with teleportation at sunrise after Sunday's 24 hour DAY OF rest like the morning after shrugging it off and realizing later how realistic that dream about windigo penises was when I was in Margaret Box' shower naked with her being told I look fatter than hell and that my dick wasn't as big as bath bubbles... must be this tall to ride this ride. I was convinced she was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding afterparty. Maybe so. I just think the thought of a movie encompassing this theme at college would be easy to write with cocaine, call it yerba mate if you will... call it "Night Terrors". I just don't think this could work with anyone other than Linklater. I had some old footage from acid reformatory that I tried to pitch to Sofia Coppola. She just used the treatment "Change mask" in "Somewhere" but hadn't already done a movie, like Blood The Last Vampire... called Waking Life.

d's z's
David F. McCullar

The gist is attack the night time from post teenage bloodlust, maybe just for a grieving recovering addict, it involves sleep... fighting insomnia from many different perspectives. We could get some weird shit in there from my experience and it doesn't have to be anything like about me. I think there is a party troupe into for a grandoise outro involving conquering the insomnia beast regulating melatonin, dimethyltryptamine, seratonin levels on a regulated preternatural schedule such as dosing with ayahuasca to watch every full moon set

starting with a group of protagonists,
David F. McCullar

3. Wiley,
I'm not too proud to see you post the Sorry, Thanks link... not like as if I was worried it was made in a day as a response to my pitch last night. I just think you deserve a more kitschy premise though. While I am an aspiring sound technician and clinical psychologist, I dabble in expressive literature. Will Dowdy, you know... Dowdy Bushem's brother put it best, I have a knack for coining phrases but it goes beyond that. I mean maybe not if y'all would think "fresh squeezed laundry" was the selling point of my vibe thereto, though I tend to be able to connect some epochal typography. I'm taking yerba mate tomorrow by the pint, some odd few. I can promise I will rant and rave, but if you participate between now and then I will have a new idea to lend toward. The idea I had was basically curing a full blown schizophrenic's insomnia in college by the administration of ayahuasca by preternatural chronology. Somnambulism plays into it (man you can ask Will about that), so does other things I didn't mention like psychokinesis (remote viewing and in lucidity), Sunday the day of rest, and Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. It is meant as a message to M.I.T. about everything I have learned in leisurely pursuits. Please give me a great big old shout about this, I will be a writing spiel machine tomorrow night after walking off a bit of that.

D's Z's,
David F. McCullar

4. What are we going to do to them? We're going to throw this movie at them. The whole movie should center around the Robert Anton Wilson book Masks Of the Illuminati just for the induction into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Without fairies and labrynths, we could create a fantasy involving people like you and me communicating by all means of hypnagogic contrast. These guys? They say they are Arkansas' Three Six Mafia. Let's say they bark like dogs and we don't mention wolves. We just talk about Dianic Witchcraft. Some kids on the hunt for a nap. He can't win his prize unless he gets his "Dionysian Soma" on THIS continent. They're starting to make him mad. Every time he wakes up he thinks someone has been talking to him in his sleep and starts to blame it on telepathy and teleportation. Everything seems vivid, the joke is he dreamt he crashed a car the same day Tiger Woods lost his cool. Everybody says he hears voices. The voices don't sound like noises though. He hears voices specifically, only can't discern anything but his own during sleep. They must be stalking him. All he wants is a circadian rhythm. Except, nobody tells him he's a psychic. The more he worries the more powerful he becomes, microcosmic perturbation (during sleep, most notably at sunrise and especially at the setting of a full moon) begets macrocosmic perturbation. These guys get scared when he meets a shaman because they teach eachother how to perceive at dawn after a full moon how to perceive the instantaneous speed of light by all synapses of their brain firing as once.


5. these guys in Night Terrors, Wiley... your name's Marshall and I'm better of called some name you could make up that would make sense that you could substitute with "English Christ" because I want that to be these guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMHohRDl55U
ring leader's nickname. What do you think?

6. perhaps, Wiley Wiggins as "Marshall Canon" and me as "Chris English"?

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